Thetis2.9.0.8- Updates-2023

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Thetis2.9.0.8- Updates-2023

Непрочитанное сообщение eu2av »

Finally, we waited for a new version of Thetis2.9.0.8. In my opinion, in the new version, the setup of additional counters and from meters is very well thought out, it turned out to be a very convenient and flexible system;) FM was also upgraded and much more, you can read the entire list of updates here ... c42#p23848. Many thanks to Richie, with each release I get better and better impression ;)

It is worth paying attention that now the skins of the s-meter are integrated into the program installer, now they do not need to be installed separately, as it was before.
the version I compiled can be downloaded here Thetis2.9.0.8:
(38.04 МБ) 848 скачиваний