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Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 25 фев 2022 22:58
Hello to all Anvelina SDR builders
This thread will be kinda of FAQ. How to build, solder, where to get parts, etc
We will try do the best to support community!
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 26 фев 2022 02:41
Hello everyone
Thanks for accepting me
I would love to participate in this fantastic project
73´s from Portugal
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 26 фев 2022 03:07
Didn't realize, you are actually in
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 10 окт 2022 15:20
Hi Yury,
I have implemented 3 Avelina boards. Unfortunately only one works perfectly.
The others two refused to boot: i don't know why ! I intend to replace the FPGA for try to solve the issue.
I would like to know how to desolder the FPGA without damage the other surrounding and downstairs components.
I have reflow owen PUHUI T-962 and hot air station YIHUA 853AAA .
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 11 окт 2022 04:51
Luka Hello! I wonder where you bought f-pga? I took on Ali.. and they were all working and without problems, there were cases when you had to replace, you can solder off in the same way as you sealed with the help of lower and upper heating, while there should be no problems with already installed parts. Try to check with the tester in the ringing mode, the f-PGA power supply circuit (3.3V, 2.5V, 1.2V), and compare the readings with the operating board? There is a video you can find on the video where I make a control measurement to make sure that the f-pga corresponds to the working one.
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 11 окт 2022 20:43
Hy Yuri !
i have purchased the FPGA at Aliexpress ,for a completely new Avelina IIi board ,for 300 euro.
It seams that currently the prices are dropping. What seller do you suggest ?
I have already seen your well done video but I didn't see the target temperature for the bottom and top PCB. I can see only because i don't understand Russian language.Regarding the voltages i will compare the dc values, using diode mode.
Based on your experience witch are the most common reason for boot failure ? What do you suggest to check ? Everything seams to be ok: all clocks are ok and all the chipset have correct voltages supplied.
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 12 окт 2022 02:24
FPGA s from many Ali stores.. here most often
https://aliexpress.ru/item/100500162977 ... 6892008955
however, the price was much lower.
There was also no problem noticed
https://aliexpress.ru/item/32841186548. ... 5071459218
As for the temperature, the lower heating is 220-230, the upper heating is a hair dryer at low speeds of 385 degrees. Check the lan 9031 chip and all the strapping, tell me how the d15 LED behaves? most often there were problems with the lan chip, for example, if there is a ping error between f-pga and lan, the firmware will not start.
pay attention to the 25 MHz generator, I put these
https://aliexpress.ru/item/32602559796. ... 9201676186
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 12 окт 2022 11:35
Hello Luca! I'll paste it here fully from my old post, how to translate on Youtube
I just realize, Youtube input spoken text into subtitles quite well
As well it translate to English quite good
Find button CC, it start to capture spoken text to subtitles. After go to next button Settings, push it and you will see Subtitles/CC, push it and there will be Auto translate, push it and there will be drop down list with languages, choose your
But I wouldn't except good translation to languages other than English, German, etc. But who knows
If we talk about FPGA on Aliexpress, there are bad experience even from good sellers
I have two(!!!) damaged FPGA at the moment. And I know about two more cases, from the same seller. I found much cheaper source on Alibaba for FPGA. They look quite good, but I didn't built full board yet, just solder FPGA on it.
As for non working board, first check FPGA lines, report here and Yuri will say, is it OK or not. Next check ALL voltage regulators output. If OK, check voltage on IC's legs/pads. Check voltage drop as well. I face up situation, when luck of voltage on one part distort all board. Firstly check LMZ22005TZX, one batch from Ali appears to be fully faked. Three in row burn out
Bad solder joint are highly possible as well. As of my experience, one RX channel didn't work properly, only after third all pads resoldering it started to work properly. Clean the board are important as well. Best results so far are with mix of aviation gasoline and izopropil alcohol, proportion 1/1. Aviation gasoline could be replaced with Zippo lighters fill-up. But results didn't appear so good as with aviation gasoline, IMHO. It is highly recommended solder OX9140S3-010.0M OCXO as last one after board are cleaned. It recommended to put piece of kapton tape between the board and this OCXO. There are a lot of to tell, just can't remember it all at a moment. We should make FAQ finally. But when
Experience at soldering such a board like Anvelina are very important.
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 01 ноя 2022 14:35
Hi Yuri,
yesterday i have successfully implemented my second working Avelina III.
I am very happy about that.
Now i i would like to understand why my does not work my others two boards: Avelina II and Avelina III
Both boards have the same bahaviour: with and without bootloder mode led D15 remain on (not blink). The others led remain off in every situations.
All PSU voltages and clocks are working properly.
I have compared the FPGA voltages measured with tested in diode mode and are very similar to the working boards:
Avelina 3 Working 3.3V:0,55 ; 1,2V: 0,336; 2,5V 0,58
Avelina 3 NOT working: 3,3V:0,54; 1,2V 0,34; 2,5V 0,63
Do you have others test to suggest ?
Do you suggest to try to replace FPGA ?
For you opinion it is better to try to replace FPGA or reuse the expensive components for another board ?
I would like to thank you also to YL2GVC for his useful suggestions.
Milano Italia
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 01 ноя 2022 15:40
Hello Luca! Could you check oscillators output? One my board won't work, because 122Mhz OCXO got too low voltage. I do not remember, where the fault was. As well, did you check voltage on all IC's? What about KSZ9031, can you ping it, does it appear on LAN?
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 02 ноя 2022 01:11
Luka hi! I am glad that you managed to launch another sdr board
Judging by your measurements, the F-PGA is most likely working. There can be a lot of reasons, I would pay attention to the ksz9031 to measure all voltages directly on the legs of the LAN chip, you can open the documentation for this chip and see where what voltage signals should be. From my experience, there were many different reasons when the board did not start, for example, in one of the cases there was a faulty LAN connector, you can also ring its windings according to the documentation.
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 02 ноя 2022 11:45
@ YL2GVC where i must measure the oscillator signal level ? The lan led blink
@ Yuri i will verify in details the lan chipset parameters and i will report the details.
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 03 ноя 2022 15:29
About oscillator level Yuri will answer better
About LAN chip, connect Anvelina to local LAN and run HPSDRbootloader. If there will not appear anything, double check all around LAN chip. There a lot of methods, how to determine are LAN chip work or not. If it will not get IP address, MAC address should appear.
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 03 ноя 2022 19:10
Hi , the bootloader app establish the connections but the download fails since the FPGA refuse to boot.
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 04 ноя 2022 00:05
Luca, I send you PM. Did you get it? Can you answer me?
Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Добавлено: 04 ноя 2022 10:42
Yes, i have replied.