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27 сен 2024 23:48
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Thank you Marc ;)
20 ноя 2023 22:24
Форум: International forum
Тема: For sale!!!
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 8246

For sale!!!

In this thread will be published avalaible equipment and boards for sale. Price drop!!! SDR Anvelina board ver.3.6G1, ready to use. 800EUR IMG_5658small.jpg SDR Anvelina board ver.3.4E, ready to use. 700EUR IMG_20231120_194815cut2.jpg There are option to install LTC2217, which have better parameters ...
01 май 2023 22:15
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina PROIII REV3.4E partly soldered board building
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 18129

Anvelina PROIII REV3.4E partly soldered board building

Hello! I open listing on Ebay, Anvelina PROIII REV3.4E partly soldered board - https://www.ebay.com/itm/334854972208 So here I will collect building experience, not only mine, hints, links to parts, etc. Parts: EP4CE115F29I7N, where to buy - Aliexpress ; Aliexpress ; Second link appears unreliable ...
28 апр 2023 11:13
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

I listed partly soldered Anvelina PROIII REV3.4E board on Ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/334848874757 Later I will create thread about these version DIY specific. Where to get parts, etc. As well as thread to offer other boards. Prices on forum will be more friendly, due to high fees on Ebay. For ...
01 фев 2023 22:32
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Hi Luca 8-) It is J17 jumper, you won't open case each time when you need to short it ;) Yuri doesn't feel good right now, he got severe flu or like that :cry:
23 дек 2022 01:56
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina BPF1-2_PA100Watts.
Ответы: 12
Просмотры: 28139

Re: Anvelina BPF1-2_PA100Watts.

Just got partly soldered BPF/PA boards, most fresh version 8-) More information later ;)
29 ноя 2022 01:34
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Hi Luca 8-) As situation on electronic parts market are highly volatile, it is hard to say when there will be next gen. As well as, you can see situation in China became quite volatile. But China are PCB boards and parts source. As of speakers: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32835651663.html These ...
03 ноя 2022 15:29
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 29500

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.

About oscillator level Yuri will answer better ;) About LAN chip, connect Anvelina to local LAN and run HPSDRbootloader. If there will not appear anything, double check all around LAN chip. There a lot of methods, how to determine are LAN chip work or not. If it will not get IP address, MAC address ...
01 ноя 2022 15:40
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 29500

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.

Hello Luca! Could you check oscillators output? One my board won't work, because 122Mhz OCXO got too low voltage. I do not remember, where the fault was. As well, did you check voltage on all IC's? What about KSZ9031, can you ping it, does it appear on LAN?
12 окт 2022 11:35
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 29500

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.

Hello Luca! I'll paste it here fully from my old post, how to translate on Youtube 8-) I just realize, Youtube input spoken text into subtitles quite well 8-) As well it translate to English quite good 8-) Find button CC, it start to capture spoken text to subtitles. After go to next button Settings ...
20 сен 2022 17:58
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Excellent FAQ/HOW-TO 8-)
05 июн 2022 23:27
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina BPF1-2_PA100Watts.
Ответы: 12
Просмотры: 28139

Re: Anvelina BPF1-2_PA100Watts.

Small addition ;) It is possible to use 12.5ohm coaxial cable in output stage transformer. You can buy it here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/203781564667?hash=item2f7253e8fb:g:FqoAAOSwV65fawFy As well as you can buy it directly from seller online shop here: https://www.sv1afn.com/en/rf-cables-1/12-5-ohm ...
25 фев 2022 22:58
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.
Ответы: 15
Просмотры: 29500

Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV: how to build, solder, where to get parts, etc.

Hello to all Anvelina SDR builders Smile This thread will be kinda of FAQ. How to build, solder, where to get parts, etc 8-) We will try do the best to support community!
30 ноя 2021 01:20
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV


One more demonstration 8-) Later I will translate it ;)
30 ноя 2021 00:01
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Some images 8-)
29 ноя 2021 23:54
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Neighbor transmits on ICOM-910, 100W, 1km away 8-) By the way, it is with new Yuri EU2AV 144Mhz transverter 8-)
14 ноя 2021 21:00
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Anvelina SDR deep testing by RX3AM 8-) Later he will publish test results.
13 ноя 2021 20:36
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Right now there are problems, but it is possible to get over them 8-) Mostly there are skyrocketed prices on some parts :o BGA and KSZ9031 are most problematic part. It is possible to get on Ali, but big chance of fake :evil: As well for example LTC2217 in reality are LTC2208.
13 ноя 2021 13:24
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Re: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Hello! For information, as you can see on right side, you can switch the language. There are not only English ;) If you want more, let me know. Rules here are simple, as on most of the forums! Registration should be approved by owner Yuri EU2AV. Please remember exact time of registration, because of ...
12 ноя 2021 23:20
Форум: International forum
Тема: Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV
Ответы: 79
Просмотры: 696473

Anvelina SDR transceiver by EU2AV

Hello! This is my first post on this forum in English Smile As you can understand here will be discusiion, FAQ, etc about EU2AV Anvelina SDR transceiver. If you want to follow history of this SDR TRX, check this thread: https://eu2av.ru/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=141 and use Google translate ;) but time by ...